Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 7, 2018

How to Differ a Good Edible Birds Nest from a Bad One

How to Differ a Good Edible Birds Nest from a Bad One
How to Differ a Good Edible Birds Nest from a Bad One

Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter, when the temperature cools down and night arrives earlier. Besides the changing colors and weather, Autumn is usually also associated with melancholy. To face the coming Autumn, here are some tips to welcome Autumn season.
If you’ve known that Edible Birds Nest provide numerous health benefits, do you really know how to differ a good Edible Birds Nest from a bad one? A recent poll by Traditional Chinese Medicine shows that 72% people consume Edible Birds Nest, but 66% of respondents don't have any idea how to determine the quality of the Edible Birds Nest. Here are some facts and tips from us.

1. Which Edible Birds Nest is the cleanest?

White white-nest swiftlet containing 85%-97% salivary glutinous strands is considered as the cleanest nest among black-nest or grass-nest swiftlets which only contain 5%-15% salivary strands.

2. Observe through color and smell

The good Edible Birds Nest color is white, but not purely white. It can also be a little bit yellowish or grayish.
After Edible Birds Nest is soaked, the water should remain clear. If it has extremely white color, the Edible Birds Nest may have been bleached. If the water is discolored, the nest might have artificial colorings.
The smell should remain fishy because of the saliva, and turn into like the egg white aroma after cooking.

3. Bottled Edible Birds Nest

Good quality Edible Birds Nest strands rest at the bottom as it is denser than water. Make sure to check the expire dates of the products as well.

4. Absorption

After soaking in water for 30 minutes, the Edible Birds Nest is bloated to about twice its original size, swells and becomes soft. It should not break up into small pieces but shredded in a long shape.

5. Cave nests vs house nests

Cave nests are considered to be more valuable than house nests because they are natural living swiftlets. The truth is, cave nests generally contains more foreign materials and feathers, and are exposed to the risk of heavy metal contamination from the environment factors, compared to house nests.
When consumed, cave nests tend to be crunchy and chewy, while house nests re softer, smoother, and more slippery.
Why Company
Company only sells the finest grade nests, 100% natural pure Edible Birds Nest without any additives like chemicals or bleaching agents. We have passed through the toughest quarantine in the world from Australian Quarantine Import Permit. This proves us as one of the most trusted and recognised brands of premium quality Edible Birds Nest

CNY Recipes Made from Edible Birds Nest

CNY Recipes Made from Edible Birds Nest
CNY Recipes Made from Edible Birds Nest

Chinese New Year is not only about red envelope. It is more likely about spending time and gathering with family, which reunion dinner is one of the most important events in CNY tradition. After reading about Why Edible Birds Nest Turns to Be the Best Gift for CNY, it would be also a great idea to serve Edible Birds Nest as CNY dishes for reunion dinner. Here are some CNY recipes made from Edible Birds Nest.

Stewed Edible Birds Nest with Abalone and Chicken

- 113 g superior Edible Birds Nest, soaked until soft and stewed
- 113 g abalone
- 1 spring chicken
- 113 g lean pork
- 6 cups stock
- 13 g ham, sliced
- 2 slices of ginger
- Salt
1. Cook abalone for 10 minutes in boiling water. Turn off the stove and cover it for 30 minutes.
2. Take out the abalone, wash and rub with warm water.
3. Cook ginger and spring onion in boiling water for a while. Add shaoxing wine and abalone, cook for 5 minutes. Take out the abalone
4. Put abalone with hot stock in a stewing pot, and stew over the low heat for 1 hour.
5. Wash the chicken and lean pork together. Parboil and rinse.
6. Transfer to the stewing pot where abalone and stocks inside. Add ham and ginger, then stew for 3 hours till abalone is soft.
7. Add Edible Birds Nest and stew for 10 minutes.
8. Taste it before adding salt, if needed.

Edible Birds Nest in Winter Melon

- 150 g superior Edible Birds Nest, soaked until soft and stewed
- 3 kg winter melon
- 75 g dried lotus seeds
- 113 g chicken
- 113 g crab meat
- 38 g ham
- 4 cups of stock
- Salt
- ¼ tsp salt
- ½ tsp caltrop starch
- 1 tbsp water
1. Wash the surface of winter melon.
2. Scoop out the seeds, pith with metal spoon, and parboil in boiling water. Take out, rinse, and drain them.
3. Wash dried lotus seeds, soak it until soft.
4. Slice half of the ham, shred the rest.
5. Dice chicken, marinate it and parboil.
6. Put winter melon in a deep bowl. Add dried lotus seeds, ham slices, add stock to the winter melon, and stew for 1 hour.
7. Add chicken, Edible Birds Nest, and crab meat. Stew for another 20 minutes.
8. Season with salt, and sprinkle with ham shreds.
Get only premium natural Edible Birds Nest to ensure the delicacy and nutritious taste!

Why Edible Birds Nest Turns to Be the Best Gift for CNY

Why Edible Birds Nest Turns to Be the Best Gift for CNY
Why Edible Birds Nest Turns to Be the Best Gift for CNY

Chinese New Year might be the most awaited events for Chinese people all around the world. It is traditionally the time for family reunion, family gathering, and visiting the elder married family members to get the red envelope. It is also the perfect time to show our love, and return the favor of the parents, either by giving them the red envelope or by gifting something valuable, such as Edible Birds Nest. It is the perfect gifts not only for elderly, but also for other members of the family, such as siblings (either men or women), young or pregnant mothers, and children
Among all other choices of gift, this is why Edible Birds Nest turns to be the best gift for Chinese New Year.

1. Countless benefits

Edible Birds Nest does not make the appearance better like beautiful outfits, but it improves the most important aspect of the life: health. With the high-value nutrients, it has numerous benefits to the recipients. It symbolizes the long-life and healthy wishes to the recipients.

2. Perfect for everyone

Not only for elderly, Edible Birds Nest is suitable for everyone in every age: young or old, men or women, pregnant mother, children, baby, etc. It is literally for everyone! It gives each person different benefits they need, such as benefits for women, for the elderly, for smokers, etc.

3. Long-lasting

With the right treatment and handling, Edible Birds Nest can be long lasting. It is best kept in dry and airtight food container, stored at room or cool temperature. Good quality dried Edible Birds Nest can last for over ten years if stored properly.

4. Easy to prepare

The Edible Birds Nest is also easy to prepare, so it’s perfect for active people too. How to prepare: soak and rinse the dried Edible Birds Nest with clean water for several hours; clean it using tweezers; change the water and soak it for another hour until the Edible Birds Nest is soft and expanding from its original shape.

5. Served as various dishes

Mention it all, either soup, dessert, main course, Edible Birds Nest can serve it all. It is also can be served hot or cold, depending on the dishes and preference. See various Edible Birds Nest recipes on our blog.

CNY Recipes Made from Edible Birds Nest

Chinese New Year is not only about red envelope. It is more likely about spending time and gathering with family, which reunion dinner is one of the most important events in CNY tradition. After reading about Why Edible Birds Nest Turns to Be the Best Gift for CNY, it would be also a great idea to serve Edible Birds Nest as CNY dishes for reunion dinner. Here are some CNY recipes made from Edible Birds Nest.

Stewed Edible Birds Nest with Abalone and Chicken

- 113 g superior Edible Birds Nest, soaked until soft and stewed
- 113 g abalone
- 1 spring chicken
- 113 g lean pork
- 6 cups stock
- 13 g ham, sliced
- 2 slices of ginger
- Salt
1. Cook abalone for 10 minutes in boiling water. Turn off the stove and cover it for 30 minutes.
2. Take out the abalone, wash and rub with warm water.
3. Cook ginger and spring onion in boiling water for a while. Add shaoxing wine and abalone, cook for 5 minutes. Take out the abalone
4. Put abalone with hot stock in a stewing pot, and stew over the low heat for 1 hour.
5. Wash the chicken and lean pork together. Parboil and rinse.
6. Transfer to the stewing pot where abalone and stocks inside. Add ham and ginger, then stew for 3 hours till abalone is soft.
7. Add Edible Birds Nest and stew for 10 minutes.
8. Taste it before adding salt, if needed.

Edible Birds Nest in Winter Melon

- 150 g superior Edible Birds Nest, soaked until soft and stewed
- 3 kg winter melon
- 75 g dried lotus seeds
- 113 g chicken
- 113 g crab meat
- 38 g ham
- 4 cups of stock
- Salt
- ¼ tsp salt
- ½ tsp caltrop starch
- 1 tbsp water
1. Wash the surface of winter melon.
2. Scoop out the seeds, pith with metal spoon, and parboil in boiling water. Take out, rinse, and drain them.
3. Wash dried lotus seeds, soak it until soft.
4. Slice half of the ham, shred the rest.
5. Dice chicken, marinate it and parboil.
6. Put winter melon in a deep bowl. Add dried lotus seeds, ham slices, add stock to the winter melon, and stew for 1 hour.
7. Add chicken, Edible Birds Nest, and crab meat. Stew for another 20 minutes.
8. Season with salt, and sprinkle with ham shreds.
Get only premium natural Edible Birds Nest to ensure the delicacy and nutritious taste!

3 Top Breakfasts for Family

3 Top Breakfasts for Family
3 Top Breakfasts for Family

After the dinner, there's no meal get into our stomach until breakfast time. Skipping breakfast due to the tight schedule is not even an option, because breakfast is very important to replace the supply of glucose and other essential nutrients to keep the energy up for the whole day.
Therefore, preparing a healthy breakfast yet practical breakfast is becoming a more suitable and desirable option for all members of family. Here is the 3 top breakfasts for family.
Please note that, all recipes can be prepared in advance (particularly the Edible Birds Nest), and then stocked in the fridge to serve directly anytime, including for breakfast time.

1. For men

Improves kidney and lungs functions, not inclined to get weak.
- 5 gram of Edible Birds Nest
- 45 gram of rock sugar
- 26 gram of dried bean curd
- 380 ml of water
Soak the dried Edible Birds Nest for approximately 2 hours then drain excess water from the Edible Birds Nest. Place it into the pot and cook for 1 hour.
Add in dried bean curd, rock sugar and water. Serve hot or cold.

2. For expecting mother and infants

Consumption regularly during pregnancy will increase the nutrients, health and immune system of the fetus, and mothers will recover easily after delivery.
- 5 gram of Edible Birds Nest
- 50 gram of rock sugar
- 35 ml of coconut milk
- 50 ml of evaporated milk
- 310 ml of water
Soak the dried Edible Birds Nest for approximately 2 hours then drain excess water from the Edible Birds Nest. Place it into the pot and cook for 1 hour.
Add in coconut milk, evaporated milk, rock sugar and water. Serve hot or cold.

3. For children

Enhances immunity, less susceptible to catch cold and flu.
- 5 gram of Edible Birds Nest
- 50 gram of rock sugar
- 400 ml of water
- Honey (as desired amount)
Soak the dried Edible Birds Nest for approximately 2 hours then drain excess water from the Edible Birds Nest. Place it into the pot and cook for 1 hour.
Add in honey for desired taste, with rock sugar and water. Serve hot or cold

Why Edible Birds Nest Turns to Be the Best Gift for CNY

Chinese New Year might be the most awaited events for Chinese people all around the world. It is traditionally the time for family reunion, family gathering, and visiting the elder married family members to get the red envelope. It is also the perfect time to show our love, and return the favor of the parents, either by giving them the red envelope or by gifting something valuable, such as Edible Birds Nest. It is the perfect gifts not only for elderly, but also for other members of the family, such as siblings (either men or women), young or pregnant mothers, and children
Among all other choices of gift, this is why Edible Birds Nest turns to be the best gift for Chinese New Year.

1. Countless benefits

Edible Birds Nest does not make the appearance better like beautiful outfits, but it improves the most important aspect of the life: health. With the high-value nutrients, it has numerous benefits to the recipients. It symbolizes the long-life and healthy wishes to the recipients.

2. Perfect for everyone

Not only for elderly, Edible Birds Nest is suitable for everyone in every age: young or old, men or women, pregnant mother, children, baby, etc. It is literally for everyone! It gives each person different benefits they need, such as benefits for women, for the elderly, for smokers, etc.

3. Long-lasting

With the right treatment and handling, Edible Birds Nest can be long lasting. It is best kept in dry and airtight food container, stored at room or cool temperature. Good quality dried Edible Birds Nest can last for over ten years if stored properly.

4. Easy to prepare

The Edible Birds Nest is also easy to prepare, so it’s perfect for active people too. How to prepare: soak and rinse the dried Edible Birds Nest with clean water for several hours; clean it using tweezers; change the water and soak it for another hour until the Edible Birds Nest is soft and expanding from its original shape.

5. Served as various dishes

Mention it all, either soup, dessert, main course, Edible Birds Nest can serve it all. It is also can be served hot or cold, depending on the dishes and preference. See various Edible Birds Nest recipes on our blog.

CNY Recipes Made from Edible Birds Nest

Chinese New Year is not only about red envelope. It is more likely about spending time and gathering with family, which reunion dinner is one of the most important events in CNY tradition. After reading about Why Edible Birds Nest Turns to Be the Best Gift for CNY, it would be also a great idea to serve Edible Birds Nest as CNY dishes for reunion dinner. Here are some CNY recipes made from Edible Birds Nest.

Stewed Edible Birds Nest with Abalone and Chicken

- 113 g superior Edible Birds Nest, soaked until soft and stewed
- 113 g abalone
- 1 spring chicken
- 113 g lean pork
- 6 cups stock
- 13 g ham, sliced
- 2 slices of ginger
- Salt
1. Cook abalone for 10 minutes in boiling water. Turn off the stove and cover it for 30 minutes.
2. Take out the abalone, wash and rub with warm water.
3. Cook ginger and spring onion in boiling water for a while. Add shaoxing wine and abalone, cook for 5 minutes. Take out the abalone
4. Put abalone with hot stock in a stewing pot, and stew over the low heat for 1 hour.
5. Wash the chicken and lean pork together. Parboil and rinse.
6. Transfer to the stewing pot where abalone and stocks inside. Add ham and ginger, then stew for 3 hours till abalone is soft.
7. Add Edible Birds Nest and stew for 10 minutes.
8. Taste it before adding salt, if needed.

Edible Birds Nest in Winter Melon

- 150 g superior Edible Birds Nest, soaked until soft and stewed
- 3 kg winter melon
- 75 g dried lotus seeds
- 113 g chicken
- 113 g crab meat
- 38 g ham
- 4 cups of stock
- Salt
- ¼ tsp salt
- ½ tsp caltrop starch
- 1 tbsp water
1. Wash the surface of winter melon.
2. Scoop out the seeds, pith with metal spoon, and parboil in boiling water. Take out, rinse, and drain them.
3. Wash dried lotus seeds, soak it until soft.
4. Slice half of the ham, shred the rest.
5. Dice chicken, marinate it and parboil.
6. Put winter melon in a deep bowl. Add dried lotus seeds, ham slices, add stock to the winter melon, and stew for 1 hour.
7. Add chicken, Edible Birds Nest, and crab meat. Stew for another 20 minutes.
8. Season with salt, and sprinkle with ham shreds.
Get only premium natural Edible Birds Nest to ensure the delicacy and nutritious taste!

Quality Food for Your Choice

Quality Food for Your Choice
Quality Food for Your Choice

While you are going to shop for grocery, have you paid attention to the prices of all food, including the ones that you don’t buy? I bet most of you do that.
Recent studies show that “the price of more healthy foods was consistently greater than that of less healthy foods over the period 2002–2012, and that the absolute price gap between healthy and less healthy foods has grown over this period.” Other research from University of Washington tells that “Not only are the empty calories cheaper, but the healthy foods are becoming more and more expensive. Vegetables and fruits are rapidly becoming luxury goods.”

We can mostly see at the supermarket that, the more minimally-processed foods, the higher their prices are, either they are organic, GMO-free, sustainable, etc. When we are going to the instant and junk food sections, the prices of most of the things are usually cheaper, either it’s the nugget, processed foods, refined grains, fish sticks, etc.

Why does Edible Birds Nest become luxury food?

By these studies and observations, can we conclude that the higher the price of the food, the healthier it is? Not always, but mostly yes. We can call it luxury foods. Still, we have to see carefully about the food ingredients and nutrients that usually stated on the packaging. Extra time to compare once is worth-it to eat better food and save extra money if in facts we can get cheaper food with the same ingredients and nutrients.
Edible Birds Nest is one of the healthiest and luxury foods, as the nutrients and benefits for health have been undoubtedly proven. It is safe to be consumed by men, women, children, pregnant women, moms who are breastfeeding, for baby, and for the elderly.

Why our company?

Company sells only natural and preservative-free Edible Birds Nest, and our premium quality Edible Birds Nest has passed Australian Quarantine Import Permit. Please be aware that there are imitation Company products on the market. Our unwelcome admirers are selling products in packaging designed to closely resemble our own. At Company, we have always made the quality of our products our first priority. You will know you are purchasing a genuine Company product by the presence of our patented tamper evident security seal on every product.

Facts about Edible Birds Nest

Facts about Edible Birds Nest
Facts about Edible Birds Nest

You might know that Edible Birds Nest have numerous benefits. But you might not be aware of these facts about Edible Birds Nest.

Storage & Consumption

1. Edible Birds Nest is best kept in dry and airtight food container. It should be stored in room or cool temperature. Good quality dried Edible Birds Nest can last for over ten years if stored properly.
2. Averagely, people can consume 3-5 gram of dried Edible Birds Nest daily. Different amount should be carefully taken consideration due to different purpose of the consumption.
3. Edible Birds Nest is best consumed on empty stomach and before meal or bedtime to help body absorb the whole nutrients.
4. Edible Birds Nest contain 0.6% fibre, 60% protein, 0.75% fats, 8% moisture, 23% carbohydrate, and 0.6% ash. These contents include protein, amino acid, minerals, and antioxidant which are required and good for the body.

Quality Of Edible Birds Nest

5. Edible Birds Nest might be different in color, which some are red. Contrary to popular belief, red Edible Birds Nest is not coming from the blood of the swiftlets or different swiftlets that consume different kinds of water or food. Edible Birds Nest red color is caused by oxidation or minerals absorbed from the environment hence might be harmful for human.
However, it is not advised to consume too heavily colored Edible Birds Nest. Moreover, some irresponsible Edible Birds Nest trader even dyed the Edible Birds Nest red to sell with higher prices.
6. The genuine Edible Birds Nest can be seen from the appearance, which consists of two main types of filaments (outer layer is longer and bigger, whereas the inner is finer and shorter). During cooking or boiling, the fine scent of near albumin smell will occur. After cooking, a good Edible Birds Nest inner filaments become water-soluble. This is important to distinguish a genuine Edible Birds Nest from the fake one, because more unethical companies would increase the weight of Edible Birds Nest by adding additives such as jelly, animal skin, or white fungus.
Therefore, it is very important to buy and consume only pure and genuine Edible Birds Nest.

How to Prepare The Edible Birds Nest

How to Prepare The Edible Birds Nest
How to Prepare The Edible Birds Nest

To bring out the best out of the Edible Birds Nest, we should carefully treat and prepare the Edible Birds Nest during preparation prior to cooking. This process is important to make sure we do not accidentally dispose all the benefits contained in the Edible Birds Nest.

How to Prepare The Edible Birds Nest

The process of preparing the general Edible Birds Nest is the same whether you want to cook it for soup, dessert, cake or any dishes: soak and rinse the dried Edible Birds Nest with clean water for several hours; clean it using tweezers; change the water and soak it for another hour until the Edible Birds Nest is soft and expanding from its original shape.
After going through these steps, generally the Edible Birds Nest is cleaned from any unwanted grime and ready to cook with any other ingredients, to serve the best delicacy for your loved ones. However, our Edible Birds Nest products are all clean and dry at its finest grade.

Edible Birds Nest Soup for Healing Power

Soup in Chinese tradition is used to heal, improve stamina, and usually served not only for sick person but also for the whole family. In Chinese cuisine, soup is widely cooked with various ingredients, which one of those is Edible Birds Nest.
Edible Birds Nest soup has been consumed for possibly in 1200 years in China. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Edible Birds Nest has a high nutritional and medicinal value as anti-cancer, anti-aging, and a long list of health benefits, including for healing power. Although it is among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans, Edible Birds Nest still has high demand due these benefits mentioned.
Although some sources mentioned that there is no scientific explanation yet regarding the benefits claimed, but a recent medical research by Hong Kong Chinese University reported that the cell division enzyme and hormone of Edible Birds Nest can promote reproduction and regeneration of human cells. In addition, it helps to promote the immune system and enhance body metabolism.
Hence, 1-2 hours prior to sleep is the best time to consume Edible Birds Nest, because it is the time when cell division takes place several times faster than the other time of the day. According to the registered nutrition therapists recommendations, regular consumption of Edible Birds Nest may gives better results in two serving methods:
(1) 1 to 2 bowls per week
(2) 1 to 2 tablespoons per day
However, unlike the other Traditional Chinese Medicine – as said before – Edible Birds Nest is uniquely be consumed and enjoyed as food. In Hong Kong, a bowl of Edible Birds Nest would cost USD $ 30 to USD $ 100. Boiled with rock sugar, then it becomes the delicacy called Edible Birds Nest.